It has taken me a while to write after CK and I returned from the mid-August Alaskan cruise with Suzanne Giesemann and 550 other people in her Awakened Way group. I needed a good rest to recover from the sea sickness I experienced and from catching a bug on the ship. It’s all good now and Leo has been giving me nudges to write and share my personal thoughts and pictures.
The highlight of this cruise was, for me, meeting other “Shining Light Parents” in person. Our children shine their lights through us; thus, that name is far more appropriate than “bereaved parents.”
There’s almost an instant bond between us as we feel free to share about our precious kids who graduated from Earth School before us. We are sure they have connected us and are always there with us. We all know how we are bearing the unbearable and appreciate the support our community can offer each other on this difficult journey. I was not aware there were so many of us until I saw the group picture taken on the ship’s bow.
CK and I were ecstatic, feeling the presence of Leo and all the children with us. It was very windy, and I know it was their way of helping us feel their invisible but powerful presence. The energy was high and palpable as we were all laughing and talking. When the beautiful blue band appeared in between the grey clouds soon after the picture was taken, a crew member present reported it had never been seen before. What an irrefutable sign of our kids’ heavenly presence!
Suzanne was, as usual, amazing with her presentations, and the workshops were a revision of her teachings of living the Awakened Way. I am grateful that CK was with me at all the events, and he shared his fun and joy with those around him. I know he and his high vibration were felt and well appreciated. He was even a good sport and volunteered to go on stage when Suzanne needed a male for an experiment.
After that, everyone knew he was – and is – Leo’s dad and the guy with a great sense of humour. He has always been able to hear Leo well and it was most delightful that he heard our son’s words when Suzanne was channeling her team, Sanaya. Leo had alerted me before the cruise that he would be sending his messages via Suzanne’s words, but I had no idea how it would all come about. The evidence was indisputable. Leo was present and giving messages of Wisdom and Compassion!
Right from the start, Leo encouraged us to join the cruise. He knows how I had resisted going on a cruise for all these years. He reassured us in many ways that he was going to be with us, and we were confident about it. Our son’s integrity is doubtless, and he always keeps his word. Nothing is impossible for him as we have witnessed over the years. He never misses a beat in giving us signs and synchronicities as those of you who have been reading my writings are aware.
Soon after we had settled into our coach seats on the way to Seattle, where we were to embark on the cruise ship the next day, I heard a man on his phone across the aisle from us. He was asking for help with filling out the Customs form. I signaled to him that I could help. We took care of it easily. We started a conversation after crossing the border and he asked me if I had children. I showed him Leo’s picture and shared what had happened. He asked if my son’s name was Leo.
When I responded yes, he said, “My name is Leo.”
Who could have orchestrated that, but LEO?!
It was not the first time our son had sent people named Leo to us: the 7-year-old Leo who came to see us at the tree in Victoria after our sacred ceremony on Leo’s birthday, the 2-year-old Leo who was at the other memorial tree by the lake on International Mother’s day, and the 9-month-old puppy named Leo who ran at full speed to hug and kiss CK at the park near home. You will continue to hear me say this: There’s no coincidence!
We enjoyed looking out from our cabin balcony and we were thrilled to have Jonathan the seagull come and visit the morning we arrived at Glacier Bay. He returned many times and posed for pictures! It was so much like our Leo, who loves to send us bird messengers: hummingbirds, red-tailed hawks, robins, ravens, doves, Canada Geese, seagulls, and now a seagull in Alaska!
When we heard the announcement to head to the ship’s bow to see the glaciers, we bundled up and went forward. We kept going further up because there were a lot of people on every floor. We appreciated the majestic glaciers, the scenery, and the pristine air, but it was cold.
So, after taking some pictures, we stepped back into the ship’s interior.
“Look!” said CK, and we both saw ‘6006’ on a cabin door. We’d had no idea we were on the 6th level, but we were certain the message was “LEO OH LEO” from our fun-loving son, validating his presence with us right there. It was – and is – so comforting!
For those of you who have been following my writings and have read my Leo-inspired book, “The Infinite Bond,” you may be wondering if the Calling Codes showed up. Definitely! Leo made sure we saw ‘303’ as soon as we walked onto the main street in Sitka, one of the ports included on the cruise. CK and I saw the familiar number sequence splashed on the wall while we heard, “MOM, I love being here with you and Dad.” It was windy and pouring rain when we got off the ship earlier, but this stunning sign and synchronicity made up for the inconvenience.
Towards the end of the cruise, I knew I had caught something more than simply having the discomfort of sea sickness. When we docked in Victoria for a few hours, I didn’t go ashore and stayed resting in our cabin. It was around this time when one of Leo’s pictures kept appearing on my phone. It was taken on our last family trip to Canada’s east coast, his birthplace. He was standing by the waterfront with the sunset in the background.
I looked out at our cabin’s balcony and saw another glorious sunset happening right there in Victoria.
This was the city where Leo had chosen to go to university in 2010 and then returned to the Light suddenly and unexpectedly in January 2012. I knew instantly that Leo was saying, “Mom, I am always with you and am watching over you and Dad. All’s well and will be well.”
The signs and synchronicities are never taken for granted. I receive these gifts in Awe and with Gratitude.
We knew one of the HPH moms was going to Vancouver after the cruise. We were not able to spend time together earlier, but we were thankful to do so on her last two days in the city. The first message she sent me when she arrived was with a picture of a LEO license plate. The car was parked outside her temporary residence, which wasn’t in her plans. It was certainly serendipity as I have told her. It was magical and it worked out perfectly for her to visit many places, including Leo’s Tree in our scenic neighbourhood. She knew it had all been orchestrated beyond human means. Leo thanked her for visiting and showed her hospitality!

She has been reading all that I have shared on Helping Parents Heal, how our children are together and how they connect us with each other. To experience it personally is something else. We were all thrilled when 888 appeared on a license plate outside the restaurant where we took her for dinner.
And that was after seeing ‘888-8888’ on the big red Milani truck while we drove her around. It is both an Angel number and one of Leo’s Calling Codes. We knew our boys were right there with us.
“I am Whole, I am Authentic, I am Unique.”
We are awakened. We thank our Spirit Team for the download!
CK and I both realize we have been on the Awakened Way since Leo’s transition back to the Light. We are most grateful for his ongoing, loving relationship with us. With his Love and Light, we go forward to honour him and serve the highest Good.

I have a picture of the same 303 in Sitka! And to me, having the St Michael shrine tin Sitka was magical and meaningful. We were in that port on the 3rd Angelversary for Douglas. His elementary school was St. Michael, and I had been to a St Michael shrine in Tarpon Springs, FL the week before Doug transitioned. I was just so excited to see that Shrine in Sitka. I had not studied the town, so I didn’t know it was there and had the archangelic names on the businesses and buildings. It was a magical trip for sure. Suzanne’s energy is so high and the HPH group members present made the trip so worth going. Thank you Leo and Mabel and CK for your Canadian Hospitality. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to see Leo’s bench and Leo’s tree. And getting to see the location being right across from Douglas College. Our Angel Boys are THE BEST!
Much love to you!
Perry, we are so glad you made it here.. Like father like son, Leo was and still is hospitable and caring. He’s a lot like CK! Much love to you and hope to see you coming this way again! ????
Beautiful blog, Mabel! Thank you for sharing your experiences! Reading the blog made me almost feeling to be in the cruise with you, CK and Leo! I know for sure that Nick was there with Leo! I love the validation with the red Milan truck at the end of your journey, when you were back home! Beautiful pictures!!!
Thanks Paola! CK and I was definitely feeling Leo’s divine energy with all the kids on the bow of the ship. Our boys love to travel and will be with us wherever we go. Much love to you and yours! ????
Such a lovely, lovely post, Mabel. Leo was in top form on this trip! The signs are unmistakable and so filled with love. The story about the gentlemen you assisted with the Customs forms whose name also turned out to be Leo had me laughing out loud for joy. Our loved ones are always right here, always loving and reassuring us, and Leo is one of the best examples of that love I’ve ever had the good fortune to encounter. Thanks to you and CK for being such excellent messengers of Leo’s light–which is, of course the light we all share.
You are absolutely accurate, Earline! Leo loves to make us laugh. “Have fun and enjoy life” is what I keep hearing from him. The gentleman Leo is keeping in touch with me. Our son Leo has connected CK and I with so many kind people. You are one of them! Much love ????
Dear Mabel,
Thank you for posting your stories of Leo’s continuous connections and for your encouragement to so many.. Your pictures are lovely as you always capture the amazing signs from the heavenly realms reminding us all our loved ones across the veil are always with us. I love how Leo brings others named Leo to cross your path letting you know “Mom, I’m right here and I love you.” Leo’s love for you, and your love for him, radiates from you and CK and sparks a smile for all of us to pass forward. Thank you, ????????
Many thanks, dear Beth!
Leo loves to make us smile. I know all’s well and will be well when I got sick because Leo has told me so. My gratitude overflows! Much love ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing this amazing adventure, dear Mabel! So many beautiful signs – I love the brilliant blue line, the handsome seagull, and the wonderful meeting with another Leo! Also the beautiful picture of Leo at sunset, and those of you and CK. And Leo adding his touches of fun and laughter! I’m so happy you and CK had such a heavenly, inspirational trip – and I’m very thankful you have shared it with all of us as well! Sending you love and hugs! ????
Thank you for your lovely comments, Nancy! It is most uplifting when we hear, see all the beauty around us. Fun and joy are what he loves to give! Much love to you and your family!
Amazing!! Thank you for taking us on the cruise with you… love the synchronicities and the pictures! Leo would have been as comfortable as CK on the stage, I’ll bet! I thought it was pretty amazing that the cruise went to Victoria…. and how lovely to share even more SnS with your friend in Vancouver! Leo is Everywhere! ????????????
Thanks Sandy! You are absolutely correct. LEO is everywhere as you can see. Yes, Leo was, and I know still is most comfortable on the stage, whether it’s public speaking, playing music, singing and performing in plays! He really enjoys it all. Much love form the three of us!
Leo always sprinkles his energy through wonderful signs!!!! My beautiful 17 year old son, Chandler does too!!! Sending you giant hugs and love and light ❤️????????????????❤️
Thanks Peggy! I am sure our boys, Leo and Chandler are friends and they are so happy to see us connected. Much love and hugs!
Thank you Mabel for sharing this article. I think Leo is giving us the following messages. There is strength in bonding together (the blue band). We can overcome challenges (the grey sky) and move forward. We need people who take on responsibility. Cheers to CK for volunteering. Also, there is so much beauty around us (seagull, glacier). We just need to be more mindful to appreciate them. Life speaks to us through the daily events (synchronicity) .Leo is able to make friends with the kids, whom he never met in this life. They speak the language of love, peace and harmony. Imagine a world speaking the same language.
Thanks for your response, Cora!
Leo loves the song “Imagine” by the Beatles!
He was and is still working to make this world a better place!!!
Much love to you!
This is so wonderful Mabel! Lovely job and very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and for truly being a Shining Light Parent! ????????
Thanks Marc, for your comments! Lovely meeting you and Annie, and all the other Shining Light parents on the cruise! Love and Light to your Zenzi, you and your family!
Oh Mabel…..the Leo you meant boarding!!!! I got my all over goosebumps sign reading that. What an incredible validation from Leo. I’m here Mom and Dad! The pictures are just stunning. Never before have I seen such a vibrant blue band. All the children bonding together. So proud of CK for stepping out of his comfort zone and getting on stage. Cute picture! And the Leo license plate from your friend following the cruise. Just amazing. Looks like such a magical trip.
Rhonda 😉
Thanks Rhonda! Leo never ceases to amaze us and we are grateful. The Leo who sat across from me right at the start of our trip is doubtlessly sent by our precious son to show us he’s with us every step of the way! All the signs on the cruise, before, during and after were stunning. Much love to you and your Reece!
Mabel, Leo is so proud of you and CK for the incredible, kind and uplifting people you are to everyone here! Your energy and powerful messages are a healing balm on the hearts of your people (me included ????). Leo is doing his work there and you are doing his work here ❤️ I’m so blessed to have connected with all 3 of you on this cruise! It was divine intervention and inspiration…
I love how our boys have connected us, Norene! Leo and Christopher are smiling and clapping their hands knowing how we are like old friends sharing with each other as soon as we have met on the cruise. CK and I are honoured to be Leo’s Messengers of Love and Hope, and we continue to honour him with all we have. Much love to you and your family, and your beloved Christopher!
Such an amazing blog ❤️❤️❤️ Everything you wrote about the entire journey was amazing ..I really felt like like I could visualise many amazing signs , especially thean you helped whose name was !!! And the outstanding blue trail in the sky !!! The sea gull ♥️♥️ everything ❤️❤️ you know this , that you and C.K are such an inspiring angel parents ???? sending both of you lots of love and good health my dear friend ♥️♥️
Your kind words and thoughts are so appreciated, Priyanka! Thanks to beloved Leo, I continue to share his love and light for all of us still here in the physical.
Much love to you and your family!
Wonderful post, Mabel! The comments are working on this end. Maybe try refreshing your browser? Lots of love, Zia
Just commenting again after I’ve logged out – it is still working. Hope it’s all good on your end now. Love, Zia
All Good. Thanks Zia!
Thank you so much, Mabel, for sharing these comments with me. Leo is obviously still alive and staying next to you. He will shower you with all his blessings.
Thanks Paul! How wonderful it is to see your response and comments here, dear friend! No coincidence we were given the indisputable signs before and after our meeting, CK and I are aware Leo is showing us he has met your beloved little boy. They are thrilled we are reconnected. Yes, Leo is always at our side and your son is right there with you as well. Blessings, Mabel and CK