“The love and pain you carry for your precious child will be woven into every thread of your being. It will fuel you to do things you never dreamed you could do. Eventually, you’ll figure out how to live for both of you. It will be beautiful, and it will be hard. But, the love you two share will carry you through. You’ll spread this love everywhere you go.” – Angela Miller
How I resonate with these wonderfully written words by Angela Miller, borrowed from Facebook.
January 18th is coming up soon, and it will be 12 years since our beloved Leo returned to the Light suddenly and unexpectedly at age 19. Our only child has never stopped sending us signs and synchronicities since then. These are precious gifts and blessings that have kept us surviving and thriving. They affirm, over and over, the fact that Leo is more active and alive than ever. Moreover, they have always reached us in perfect timing. I have been made aware that Leo is teaching us about Divine Timing on a much grander scale.
I was so excited when CK showed me the tiny buds on our aged Christmas Cactuses at the start of December. I sent pictures to friends when the creamy white and magenta flowers appeared before Christmas, with the comment that they are re-blooming for the holy days and New Year.
One friend responded, “They are here to celebrate your birthday.” I had the biggest AHA moment and a huge smile on my face. How could I have forgotten? Leo has always given me flowers on special occasions. He rejoices in making me happy, knowing that I love flowers. I recall how thrilled I was last year when our old orchid re-bloomed and gifted us with one gorgeous purple flower, opening on the morning of my birthday.
I will never forget the delightful surprise when the Clematis plant gave us one flower. And it was the most ethereal-looking white flower that opened on Mother’s Day!
Dad was not forgotten. We bought a potted peony plant last Spring. The exquisite, one-and-only pink peony arrived for CK’s birthday in early summer. We know these are all gifts of love from Leo, in Divine Timing.
There are profound messages in the appearance of these flowers. No matter how much we appreciate their beauty, they are temporary. The Christmas Cactuses shrivelled up after my birthday at the end of December. Our orchids usually stay for a few months and eventually fall off. They have their own life span – some longer, and others, shorter. With the right conditions, they grow and re-bloom again and again. The seasons come in cycles and all things in Nature, too. Leo reminds us of the Impermanence of all things in Life here on Earth.
Our beloved son came into our lives and left his human body in Divine Timing. It is something we had no control over. It is hard to accept initially as parents, but he has opened our eyes and hearts. We know that his last incarnation into this world was one of many. He doesn’t die! His Compassion and Love for our planet have kept him returning to alleviate suffering. His may be a short life in the eyes of many, but he has left a significant mark, and a positive impact, on us all. It is not in the number of years we have lived, but in the way our presence has made a difference that really counts when we leave.
In our everyday life, we are shown that nothing is a coincidence. We never stop being amazed and awed when Signs and Synchronicities (SnS) appear in perfect timing. We know they can only be orchestrated by the Divine.
Our professional hairdresser, a dear friend of almost 30 years now, is very fond of Leo, having watched him grow up. On every monthly visit we make to her salon, Angel numbers and Calling Codes appear to confirm Leo’s Presence. We are aware of how we always talk about Leo and his communication with joy, not sadness. Early in the New Year each year, she likes to invite us to her home, and we spend a day with her family eating, chatting, and laughing. We always have a great time, and we are assured of Leo’s loving and fun Presence.
Wherever we go, we invite our son to come with us and he responds with signs in perfect timing. So, this year, as we drove to our friend’s home, CK pointed at a jeep on the road, saying, “It’s 810!” It was raining and the car kept moving farther away from us. Suddenly, it was right in front of our car, and I took clear pictures of it while Leo was saying, “Of course, I won’t miss the party with you!” Those who have read my Leo-inspired book and writings know that 810 is Leo’s birthday and his official time of departure from the physical body.
P.S. Leo alerted me that it’s PA 810, not just 810, on the license plate. For his beloved Dad!
It was already dark when we started our trip home, but CK spotted the red car with a 303 license plate.
“MOM, I have enjoyed the party and now it’s time to go home with you and Dad!” We love that Leo always affirms that he is returning home with us.
Leo’s Calling Codes 810 and 303 show up here, there, and everywhere – be it in Canada, the USA, or Hong Kong. That’s because he is always with Mom and Dad. Before Christmas, we were nudged to take a trip to Victoria on Vancouver Island, where our son graduated from this Earth School while attending the University of Victoria. We had an abundance of signs, as usual, and I am sharing a couple of stunning ones with you here.
It’s never surprising for us to see all the signs from Leo and feel his Presence on the way to Victoria, but what followed was again beyond our imagination.
When we checked into our hotel, I was a bit disappointed when we were told that room 606 was taken. We were assigned that room “randomly” once before and were thrilled at the time because 606 sounds like “LEO OH LEO” in Mandarin. The kind receptionist reassured me that I would like what we were getting instead. We had to drive out onto the street to get into the garage, and right at the hotel’s entrance, we saw clearly the only car there had a 303 license plate.
“MOM, I am right here with you and Dad. The room number is not important.” He was perfectly right. We got a spacious and comfortable suite. We always get the best with our amazing Leo with us!
I don’t want to leave this out: as soon as we drove down to the garage, we were greeted by a 909-plated truck. Nine is CK’s number! “Thank you, Dad, I love you.”
That first night after our arrival, we strolled down to the harbour front. It was all dark and I took a few pictures of the lit-up buildings. The BC Legislature building really stood out with more lights than usual. The pictures turned out well and I shared them with friends immediately.
The following day, which happened to be the Winter Solstice, we had a sacred ceremony at Leo’s memorial tree. We always send love and prayers to our son and all the young people who had to return to Spirit before their parents. As we were getting ready for the ceremony, we saw a hummingbird high up on the tree across from Leo’s. A messenger in perfect timing!
That night, I was nudged to look at the pictures again. I was truly astonished to see what was in the night sky above the lit-up Legislature building.
I checked it repeatedly, not really believing my own eyes. High up in the night sky is clearly the letter L, just like the formation of the Canada Geese that appeared a number of years ago after a sacred ceremony at Leo’s tree. The big birds were calling out and flying towards us while we were walking to the parking lot. We were in awe and mesmerized. We knew that was an indisputable sign from Leo saying: “Thank You!” It was perfect and Divine Timing. Thanks to our quick-thinking friend, we were able to get a picture of the Canada Geese!
Going back to the magical L in the night sky – it was our grateful son’s way of confirming that “303 MOM” and “909 Dad” are gifts from him. He was showering us with his powerful, loving energy.
L is for LEO and LOVE, his signature, no doubt!
We are beyond grateful to our Beautiful and Compassionate Son.
LEO IS LOVE! ❤️❤️❤️

Another beautiful post, Mabel! So neat about the “L” showing up again. And “LEO” is found within “LOVE” – what a profound message that is! I hope you will one day write about all the recent SnSs in Hong Kong! Lots of love xo
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. It was just what I needed this morning.
Thanks Zia! Leo Is Love! I am grateful to be his Messenger of Love, Hope and Joy. That will come, those miraculous moments will be shared. Much love to you! ????????
Hi Hope, I would appreciate your giving me a shout/hello on my HPH post if you are a member. Love and Light to you and your child! ????????
We all love when you share your son. I’ve been missing you on Facebook. And glad to have found you here. I love all of the signs that he has been sending you for so very many years now. It gives me hope. My son left 3 1/2 years ago, and I always am so worried that as more time progresses if he will continue with all of the signs that he sent me mostly in the way of Cardinals almost every single day Since we have owned this house for exactly a year now. He sent them to me for the first time in 57 years the age that I was when he moved to heaven for the first time three months afterwards. And 17 individual cardinal visits in that very same year. Period For which I had never seen one ever, in those initial 57 years. And now he is just always around. He sent me songs. And there is a song that keeps lingering on the radio with his name in it for all of the songs that we have heard throughout our lifetimes that have their lifetime of their own and then leave, it still shows up. Anyway, Mabel , thank you for always honoring your son. So very many years later. It is something that I do every day with my own, and I will continue to do, and I feel him around me as much as you feel Leo. For which I am so very grateful, every single day of my life, for. Thank you for your posts. And for your memories. And for your signs. And for sharing your beautiful boy. And I’m so sorry you had to lose him. Mine was 29. Actually 13 days shy of 30 years old. And it altered my life and will alter it continuously until I am with him again.
Hi Cindy, please give me a shout/hello on my HPH post if you are a member. Once you recognize them, acknowledge them, the signs will keep coming. Love and Light to you and your son! ????????
Dear Mabel, I how many amazing signs Leo is keeping sending to you! And CK! They are all beautiful ! The flowers for your birthday and Christmas! I love the formations of L in the sky! Thank you Leo for bringing love in this world through your beautiful mom!
I love sharing Leo’s signs and messages, Paola! CK and I received stunning signs and messages in the short time we were out. I have added them to my current post. Leo affirmed what I shared about “Divine Timing”. Love and Light to you and your Nick!
Love all the beautiful flower images……Leo has mastered his signs during these 12 years. I can only imagine how much he is teaching and sharing with the rest of our children. Leo, Reece and all our children passed I. Their own divine time….said perfectly Mabel. So much for us to look forward to when we cross, but I will continue to watch and cherish the signs!!!
More than our human minds can ever imagine, Rhonda! It’s all beautiful and so loving. Reece and all the children are enjoying their learning with Leo! Much love!
I love the flowers Mabel. The Divine Timing is perfect. And especially the L shaped picture. Thank you for always including us in the sacred ceremonies both in Victoria and Vancouver. I’m so grateful that Leo brought us together and you continue to receive signs after 12 years. Leo is older than Douglas in earth years. I’m always afraid I’ll forget. Doug would be 28 now. They see us. Doug sees me and knows how to help me when I need it. Thank you for the blogs. It always touches a cord with me. I’m crying but wiping my tears????????
It’s most comforting to hear from our kids in all the ways they validate their presence. The signs and messages from Leo are the most precious gifts for me and CK. There is no way we can forget anything about them because they continue to be with us! Death can not separate us. It’s OK to cry, tears of LOVE! XOXO
Thank you Mabel. I intellectually know there is no separation. And at moments have the magic to see it without tears but with joy. Everything is so intricately intertwined more so than our human minds can comprehend. Keeping calm is something my body and brain are getting used to. Eventually. Everything that happens is an opportunity to learn more about the Higher Awareness. It’s my journey. My Gene key purpose is 6. Conflict to Diplomacy to Peace
Oh Mabel – he is dazzling!! I love the L in the sky! Amazing!! And I also totally agree – Leo is Love! He reminds us that we all are with all of these wonderful signs. All of the flowers are beautiful and mystical…. As is your boy! Sending Love to you and CK! ????❤️????❤️????❤️
Yes, Sandy. Dazzling is the word ! We are grateful for every way and form Leo is validating his Divine Presence with us. Our Infinite Bond and Love! The signs are infinite too. All because of LOVE. Thank you! Love and hugs! xoxo
This is such a beautiful post Mabel! I love how you write. I am amazed to see the humming bird at this time of year! What a perfect sign Leo sent ❤️ and the L in the night sky is amazing! Leo definitely doesn’t want you and CK to miss any signs that he sends, he really shows his love ????
Thanks Katrina! We will never miss any sign from Leo. He is now sending all the humming birds to come and feed at our place, in this freezing cold! Hugs!
Thank you, dear Mabel and Leo, for this beautiful post! Such beautiful messages of love from dear Leo! It is so important to stay attuned to our children’s messages, and to understand them. Thank you so much for the reminder, and for spreading so much love, light, and upliftment!! ????
Thank you Mabel for sharing the beautiful experience, photos, and the messages they bring us. No doubt everything is orchestrated divinely through the plate numbers, room numbers, formation of birds and many other things to bring out these messages. You and CK have developed such higher level of consciousness to notice them and be able to share with us. A big thank you to Leo for sending messages of love and hope.
Thanks Cora! CK and I are grateful for our Continuing Loving relationship with beloved Leo. Our Infinite Bond and Love with him keep us close and we are able to hear and see him in infinite ways, thank Goodness, to share his Messages of Love and Hope, and Joy with the world. Love and Light to you! xoxo
Such a beautiful post, filled with signs and synchronicities ♥️..I loved everything, start from the blooming flowers to the L shape appearing in the sky ..the 303 and 909..
My Goodness, he loves you andC.K so much , immensely,
You are so true in saying ,Love never dies and Life is eternal..
I really love you..
Dear friend, it’s my joy and honour to be Leo’s voice. Our children are always connected with us and there’s no fear that we will ever be separated! That’s the power of LOVE ❤️ and that’s what beloved Leo is showing us all.
Your precious Bebo is watching over you and her family, like Leo is watching over me and his Dad.
Love and hugs to you!
I can never read your posts without feeling full of joy, laughter, and light, Mabel, and this is no exception. Leo’s signs and your and CK’s highly attuned senses are a beautiful example of teamwork that spans the veil. I am so grateful for your team!
I am so glad that you enjoy reading my posts, Earline. CK and I are grateful to be in Leo’s Team. Thanks for your kind words!
Love and Light! xoxo
Mabel Leo gives you so much Love and you are so kind to share it with all of us and spread it all around. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Happy Birthday Leo! 1/18!
Thanks, dear Babette for your response! I know Leo would want me to share this LOVE he is showering on us. Inspired by my Compassionate son, I have written and published “The Infinite Bond” to share his Messages of Love and Hope. You will find what LEO is all about! Love and hugs to you! xoxo