I am here with you!


It was dinner time, and I realized that this coming Monday would be a holiday since it’s the Canadian Thanksgiving. We just had the Chinese Thanksgiving (“Mid Autumn Festival”) in September. And before that, it was Leo’s birthday in August. Soon, it will be Christmas and then New Year’s, and then Leo’s Re-birthday followed by the Chinese New Year. There’s never a day that I don’t miss my beloved son’s physical presence, his smile, his voice and laughter, the fun and joy that he shared with us.

These special occasions can be challenging as they remind us that he is not here in the human world anymore when other families are celebrating family time with their children.

I was deep in thought and suddenly noticed the familiar and melodious tune playing from the music channel. It was ‘Fur Elise,’ a piece of music that Leo loved to play on his piano, which is still in the room. It broke the silence, and I could hear Leo reminding me, “I am here with you, Mom.” And suddenly, I was free from the melancholy.

My son never misses a chance to validate his Continuing Presence with us as a Family. Time and time again, he has given us signs and messages that he is with us wherever we are in the world. We have just returned from a short trip to San Francisco to pay a visit to an elderly friend who once met Leo in the physical. I remember how impressed she was when, years ago, she came out of the room after talking with him. She is a Spiritual Teacher, and she came all the way to Victoria BC when Leo’s tree was planted not long after his transition. With sacred mantras and prayers, she cleansed the place energetically and blessed it before the tree was planted in the beautiful garden. It was where I had to do the most unforgettable and painful thing in my life. My soul called out with a sound I could not describe. With the help of my husband, CK, I had to pour my only child’s ashes into the soil. It still seems unreal writing about it after all these years. We are forever grateful that this kind and wise lady suggested the ceremony and came to support us with her powerful presence when we were traumatized by our son’s sudden and unexpected return to the Spirit World at age 19.

I was recently prompted to pay a visit to our dear friend in San Francisco and all the arrangements were made smoothly. CK and I knew that Leo would be with us on the trip, and we were looking forward to how things would unfold.

As soon as we boarded the shuttle bus to the airport, we could see a car with a 777-license plate Angel number across from us. Ten minutes later, we were approaching the international airport. I could see a car merging into the lane next to ours and we both saw ‘Mr. 810’ on its license plate.

We had only a few seconds before we lost sight of that car. I have been calling Leo Mr. 810. His birthday is on the 10th of August and the official time of his departure from his human body was 10 minutes after eight. Leo has given us this magical ‘810’ countless times in countless ways over the years to say: “I am here with you, Mom and Dad.”

It often appears right before or after we have seen a LEO license plate, so we have no doubt it’s from our son.

We were delighted with the first sign and synchronicity in perfect timing. “Of course I am going to SF with you, Mom and Dad.”

CK bought a watch for me decades ago, long before our son was born. It was something I fell in love with at first sight. It can be worn as a pendant on a chain, but I have only worn it a couple of times over the past 40 years or so. Recently, I was looking for something and found the round golden watch stored in a drawer I seldom use. I hadn’t seen it for so long that I decided to look inside. I almost jumped up when I saw the time on it. It was exactly 8:10 on the face of the watch. It still is and always will be!

I had never shown Leo the watch when he was with us. What he is capable of now is beyond human imagination. It is beyond the shadow of a doubt that Leo and the Universe want to reconfirm  that ‘Love never dies, and Life never ends.’

Time stood still when our precious son returned to the Spirit World. There is no time and space where he is, and we can be connected just by thinking of each other.

The first evening in SF, we met up with a new friend in person for the first time, someone I know Leo had connected us with. She told me she was called Leo when she was a teenager. When she asked if we would like Italian food, I was delighted because Leo would have had pasta every day if he had his way!

It was a busy Friday evening and the area around the restaurant had no parking left. So, our friend, Leoline, as I call her, dropped us off while she went to look for a vacant spot. I sent a ‘quick note’ to Leo, asking him to help get her the perfect place.

That parking spot, we later realized, was not too close to the restaurant after all. But there’s a great reason our friend was led there. As she got out of her car after parking, her eyes met with this huge bright sign: ‘LEONARDO’s’.

On returning to the car, we were all thrilled to see the sign from our dearest son affirming that he was – and is – with us every step of the way. While enjoying the fine Italian cuisine, we were laughing and talking about all the gifts and miracles Leo has been showering on us. I love feeling the high-vibrational energy whenever Leo is close by, and I couldn’t stop sharing about our amazing son.

There’s NO COINCIDENCE, as I have learned, and seeing the name LEONARDO was another remarkable example.

One time when we were visiting Leo in Victoria, I bought a scarf at the iconic hotel by the harbour front. It has bright and cheerful colours and I thought I wanted to have it as a souvenir since it had my son’s name on it. I only wore it once at one of Leo’s celebrations of life, and I hadn’t been able to find it since. I had given up hope of ever seeing it again, but it reappeared at the right time.

On a trip to my birthplace last year, I was exhausted with jet lag on arrival. The difference in the weather made me feel like a fish out of water. I wasn’t feeling well at all. I didn’t sleep much that night, but a big shift happened when I heard my husband say early the next morning, “Look what your son is showing you!”

CK was aware that I had been missing the scarf and he was surprised to have found it in his suitcase. He was now pointing it out for me to see. That beautiful scarf with LEONARD was right in front of my eyes after more than 12 years! I thanked Leo for his Love and Compassion. He knows exactly when I need comforting.

What a positive impact seeing LEO’s stunning sign and synchronicity had on me! I knew he was saying, “Mom, I am here with you and Dad – don’t worry and have fun!”

“All’s well and all will be well,” Leo was saying with his beautiful smile. Every sign from Leo is uplifting and healing! I felt energized for the rest of the trip.

There were lots of Angel numbers and our son’s Calling Codes appearing during those few days in SF.

They were clearly ‘hellos’ from Leo. We had a wonderful reunion with our friend. She felt honoured that our purpose for the trip was to meet with her. She took us to a place near her home for lunch. While she was driving into the garage, I noticed a car with a 123 license plate and I alerted CK. To my utter astonishment, he responded “We are in a car with a 123 license plate.”  Of all the numbers, our dear friend’s license plate has this ‘magical 123.’

It is significant because 123 is part of the ‘family passcode’ Leo gave us when he was helping us with technology as a young child. Our son is aware that it is our Gratitude to this special lady that we were in SF. He was saying to our friend, “THANK YOU for being there for my parents!”

We are grateful for everyone we met on this trip. SF is one of the places that Leo has always enjoyed visiting with us. It’s always Family Time when our son is with us, whether he is in the physical or the Spiritual. He is making me aware that it’s all right to be sad, but “Don’t give up on Joy!”  Parents like CK and I live with sadness as humans, because we miss our precious child. Happiness and sadness can coexist on this healing journey. Our journey is unique! We don’t have to compare ourselves with others. Our loving relationship with Leo is ongoing, and our communication takes a different form. Leo is still watching over us and making us laugh.

“I am here with you, Mom and Dad.”

“Happy Thanksgiving!”


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  1. Rhonda Andrews
    October 14, 2024

    Oh my goodness ……what amazing signs you encountered on the San Francisco trip. Leo went above and beyond this time. Way to go Leo! Thank you for reminding us all that our children are always right with us.

    • Mabel
      October 15, 2024

      Thanks Rhonda! Leo loves travelling with us and we are always grateful to have him wherever we are. Your Reece will do the same for you. Love and hugs! ❤️

  2. Carol
    October 14, 2024

    I loved your blog! Thank you for sharing that with us. I had tears of love in my eyes reading that and knowing all our children are capable such wonderful signs and synchronicities ????????????????????????

    • Mabel
      October 15, 2024

      Thanks Carol! Yes, tears of love knowing that our beloved children are always connected with us. Love and hugs! ❤️

  3. Nancy Clark
    October 14, 2024

    How sweet that Leo gifted you and CK with all those comforting signs during your special trip! Finding that bright and beautiful scarf again at just the right moment was especially moving. I totally agree that we can have a beautiful, ongoing relationship with our loved ones who are in Spirit. Sending love and light to you, CK, and brilliant Leo!

    • Mabel
      October 15, 2024

      Thanks Nancy! It’s a gift and miracle from our children every time we receive the affirmation of their ongoing relationship with us. The magical SnS! Love and hugs ❤️

  4. Perry
    October 15, 2024

    Leo sends sooo many signs. It’s amazing that you are able to document so many of them. I particularly like all the 810’s. Especially the one on the watch that you rarely wear. I’m so glad that Leo made his presence known to you on the trip. Douglas does that for me too. I’m so grateful for knowing they are really right here with us any time we call. Leo is a powerful soul. And he loves his earthly parents very much.

  5. Perry
    October 15, 2024

    I also receive signs. I got our 303 calling code just around the corner from my last pet sit. The address at the pet sit was 4404. Angels are all around us. ????????♾️????. Especially our children. Leo and Doug.

    • Mabel
      October 15, 2024

      Thanks Perry! Those stunning and beautiful signs and synchronicities are imprinted in my heart, without the need for documentation. Believe and Receive! Those calling codes and Angel numbers are definitely from your beloved Doug. Love and hugs ❤️

  6. Katrina
    October 15, 2024

    I always love reading about the signs that Leo sends you and CK! Its wonderful that the beautiful signs come at the perfect moment, and are always such a clear expression of his love!

    • Mabel
      October 15, 2024

      Thanks Katrina! It’s all about LOVE. We are most grateful for all the gifts from our beloved Leo! Love and hugs ❤️

  7. Earline Ahonima
    October 17, 2024

    What a joyful experience it was to meet you two in person at last! It was a lovely meal we shared at the Italian restaurant, and Leo’s shining presence was nearly palpable. I’m still laughing when I remember the experience of dropping you two off at the restaurant on that VERY busy Friday night and then setting out to try and find parking. I was becoming worried about the possibility of not finding a parking place at all when I noticed one open up in the block ahead of me. After I had parked and exited the car I noticed that I was parked right in front of Leonardo’s Italian eatery. I began laughing (eliciting a worried glance or two from passers-by) and mentally high-fived Leo, thanking him not just for his help, but for his irrepressible humor. I feel so honored not only to have been able to share a meal with you and CK, Mabel, but to have been blessed by Leo’s shining presence.

    • Mabel
      October 18, 2024

      Thanks, Leoline, for your detailed account of what happened! It is always a Joy to have Leo with us and we are certainly blessed with his Shining Presence that night in SF.
      So wonderful you got to experience it first hand. My phone just showed me it’s 303 as I am writing. Those we love are never gone! We have to feel them in our hearts. Sending you love and hugs!

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