I consider it a miracle every time we get a sign from our precious son Leo. The way it comes, the precise timing. It’s all synchronistic. CK and I love the message each one conveys.
Last spring, our son started sending us his name in different ways. CK saw the ‘LEO technology app’ in the newspaper.
I received emails with advertisements for women’s clothing with a ‘LEO Stripe,’
and pendants with the name Leo. I knew they were special.
Last summer, when CK was cleaning out our bags, items with our son’s name kept appearing. Some of them were even in his own handwriting.
And then, in September, when the warm summer days were over, but the weather was still enjoyable for an evening stroll in the park, we were walking by Leo’s tree and paused for a moment before returning home. Within minutes of leaving his tree, I saw a white car driving by. Its license plate said ‘LEO.’
I called, “Leo, Leo!” and ran after the car, but couldn’t catch up to it. To my surprise, it turned around and stopped on the side of the road. I was able to snap a picture.
This was the first time we had ever encountered a LEO license plate. I thanked our son. In fact, I had just been talking to him and he responded in real time! “Mom, I hear you whenever you talk to me.”
It got even better when we arrived home. CK and I saw ‘LEO’ on the TV. Not once but twice! Our son was saying, “I love being home with you two,” and “I gave you those signs with my name.”
A few weeks later in October
The notification sound rang loudly in the early morning. It must be important, I thought. I picked up my phone to see an image. I looked at it for a while with barely-opened eyes before I realized it was a car with a LEO license plate. My friend’s partner was driving her to work when they saw the car and sent me the photo.
As soon as I thanked her and acknowledged the sign from my son, I saw that it was 8:10! This number is one of the ‘Calling Codes’ from Leo that I have written about in my new book. There is no doubt my son is saying, “It’s Leo! Mom, I know I am in your thoughts first thing in the morning.”
There is another message in this SnS
My friend is a beautiful young woman who has had her share of heartbreaks. I have always wished that she would meet the right person and enjoy a loving relationship. She and her partner met each other not too long ago. She feels strongly that my son sent her this Mr. Right.
And what do you think his name is? Yes, it’s ‘Leo.’
Perhaps this is Leo’s way of confirming he was playing Cupid!
One more in October
At the end of October, I had dental surgery. It was initially nerve-wracking, but it went so smoothly that even the dentist was very thankful. I was pain-free and felt protected by the Golden Light. I knew my son was with me all the way. Before I left, I told the dentist about my newly-published book. He’d known Leo well and was the one who had ‘perfected’ Leo’s teeth all those years he was growing up. When he decided to get a copy of the book, I was nudged to tell him what I heard. “Leo is giving his blessings to everyone reading his messages of love, hope, and joy.”
CK and I were almost home when suddenly I saw this dark car in front of us. It was going fast, but I spotted ‘LEO’ on its license plate. I wasn’t sure if I could get a clear photo, but I did.
Then I heard “Mom, thank you for sharing that message with the dentist and everyone else.”
Names in November
It was an ordinary day in mid-November, but it turned out quite extra-ordinary. We had finished shopping at a place where we used to go with Leo all the time. I was thanking our son for being with us. CK was driving and I shared that I would be talking with a Helping Parents Heal (HPH) mom at 3:33 pm. This mom and I found that our boys like to give us 333, and even as we were messaging each other, 3:33 came up. So, we decided to ‘meet’ at that auspicious time.
Shortly afterwards, CK alerted me to a car we were approaching parked on the right. It was bright and red but what really caught my attention was the ‘LEO’ on the license plate.
It made my day. It is always our beloved son telling us “I love being with you, Mom and Dad.” I talk to him all the time and he is now giving us his name in response. He shows me how much he appreciates my sharing with other parents that our children are active and alive. Not gone! I was so excited and grateful. I shared what happened with the other mom during our first conversation and then posted it for all the other parents on the HPH Facebook group.
An Encore! A day after we saw the red car
We decided to pick up a few things at a store near home. It was 3:33 on our clock as we hit the road. This was again where we love to go with Leo as a family. As usual, I invited him to join us. It was a very short walking distance from the parking area to the store. CK spotted the white car and pointed at the license plate.
I jump for joy every time I see “LEO.”
It’s great to have our son with us shopping. For a period after his return to the Light, I avoided going anywhere that triggered memories of our time together as a family. Over the years, I have changed a lot and all the fears and anxieties are gone.
We found everything we wanted and more. Leo was saying “I am by your side, Mom, I am happy when you are happy.”
When I viewed the photo of the license plate the next day, I was aware of the significance of the number 18. Leo’s Rebirth day or Angelversary is on the 18th of January. Our book was first released on 8/18, 2020.
And more! The Mitsubishi three-pronged logo reminded me that we once had the same car, also white. That was years ago, before Leo’s birth, and it was stolen from our garage! The joining of the three rhombus signs signifies the union of Mom, Dad, and our Son. We are a Trinity that will not be separated.
Once, twice, and thrice! Just in a few days!
Three days later, CK and I had to go and mail my book to some good friends overseas. There are two parking lots that we usually go to for that purpose. Somehow, CK took us to the one on the rooftop. Just as we got out of the car, I saw the license plate staring at me. It said “LEO.” I checked a few times before alerting CK, “It’s Leo, Leo.” This blue car was positioned so strategically that we couldn’t have missed it.
This is the third time we have seen our son’s name in the last few days. It might be hard for others to believe, but I am loving it. I believe in my son and I believe our love connects us.
Leo is saying “Mom and Dad, thank you for all that you are doing. The messages are for the whole world.” He is very appreciative of our bringing his Messages of love, joy, and hope to the world. And the latest project has been the publishing of our book, The Infinite Bond, inspired by Leo.
That afternoon, the Angel number 333 appeared on my cell phone right after I messaged a friend regarding this latest ‘LEO’ sign. I thought Elizabeth would be interested. Shortly before we saw the LEO license plate, I’d sent greetings to Morgan, her beloved son – wishing him a happy birthday and “a blast of a party” with his sister Chelsea, my Leo, and all the other HPH friends. Later that evening, I was again awed when Elizabeth reported she had received my book, just in time for Morgan’s birthday!
“It was divinely orchestrated,” I said. Thank you, my sweet Leo!!!
Unlike the human world, there is no barrier of space and time where Leo is. My son has affirmed that over and over. He is present with me and his dad wherever we go. He hears me every time I talk to him, and he responds in real time, our time. I am overjoyed but not astonished at all. My queries to him receive consistent answers. Our bond with him is eternal, and our communication is from soul to soul. Our unending love for each other is the most powerful energy that nurtures and sustains this Infinite Bond.

Thank you for sharing the license plates! It is bringing everyone JOY!
Leo, please send me a “LEO” license plate in Minnesota.
I am asking you that I cannot miss it and that I may take a clear photo for your Mom. Leo, thanking you in advance.
Mabel, Leo and you inspire me. I’m reading your book now-so uplifting! The blog is wonderful.
Remarkable, spiritual and inspiring writing as usual. Thank you for sharing with your beautiful writing!
I love how Leo makes his presence known?
Mostly, I love the transformation in you, Mabel???
And I absolutely love the Joy that comes through your writing and the documentation of all the “Leo” sightings!
I’m going to set the same intention as Jayne…
Leo, I would love to see a license plate with your name, thank you!
This is just beautiful. Leo has been so consistent in reaching out to let you and Ck know that he is around you. Ever grateful for you guidance and friendship Mabel. You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this and helping us understand how our children communicate from the other side of the veil.
Mabel, there are enough SnS here to fill multiple blog posts. That boy of yours has been busy! I love Jayne and Valerie’s ideas for requesting a LEO license plate as a sign. I also agree that your personal transformation is a miracle to behold. We must give Leo a huge portion of the credit for that. He is a gifted communicator!
My heart is smiling for you Mabel, Ck, and Leo. Love the messages Leo sends to you both. Our loved ones who have passed are always with us…. We just need to be open to receive their messages. So happy that you are all united for eternity! PS. Leo has a very sweet and creative way of sending his messages.
Mabel, Am so happy and grateful to read your latest blog of infinite signs, sightings. What came to mind is that Leo is having a daily scavenger hunt for you both and others to keep alert to what you find next. So many blessings, miracle and Joy at knowing he is everywhere and available making his parents and others smile. Thanks, Leo we love you and your mom and dad.
When I think of Leo and how much Joy he brings to his parents and to us reading about him and his amazing feats, I imagine him as a goodwill ambassador from above.
Five years ago, I saw your framed family picture in a dream. Then, Leo moved away smiling from his spot in the picture signifying his physical separation. He remained very close enough to you and CK though no longer within the frame. The messages you are receiving are confirmations of that earlier message that he is very much around.
Fascinating observations. Imagine a world where we were all aware of all the energies that surround us. Thank you for reminding us Mabel!! (and Leo, of course)