It was 16 years ago when CK had a special birthday approaching. I decided to organize a dinner party and invite his closest colleagues at the time to celebrate with us. Leo was 13 going on 14 and he was excited about the special occasion. He shared that he was creating a DVD as a gift for Dad, and which he would present to him at the party. The music he used in the background was “Forever Young” by Rod Stewart.
Naturally, I had always thought Leo chose the song because of its name and his wish for Dad to stay young and well. Recently, I was reminded of the song and looked up the lyrics. I found them very poignant, especially for those of us whose children are not in the physical anymore.
May the good Lord be with you
Down every road you roam
And may sunshine and happiness
Surround you when you’re far from home
And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you’d have done to you
Be courageous and be brave
And in my heart, you’ll always stay
Forever young, forever young…
May good fortune be with you
May your guiding light be strong
Build a stairway to Heaven
With a prince or a vagabond
And may you never love in vain
And in my heart, you will remain
Forever young, forever young…
And when you finally fly away
I’ll be hoping that I served you well
For all the wisdom of a lifetime
No one can ever tell
But whatever road you choose
I’m right behind you, win or lose
Forever young, forever young…
Five years later, Leo, our only child, returned to the Light suddenly and unexpectedly at age 19. He is now forever young! I played the song at our sacred ceremony on his recent 8/10 birthday. I know he enjoyed it with us.
We love to celebrate Leo’s birthday in Victoria. There is always an abundance of stunning signs and synchronicities and some of them will be highlighted here. We travelled to Victoria on 8/8 this year. It was the most comfortable weather to be sailing on the sea. We were on the deck, soaking in the splendid scenery around us, enjoying the refreshing sea breeze under the sunny blue sky. After a while, we chose to return to our car. CK let me in, and I was a bit surprised when he didn’t get inside but kept walking to the front of the ferry. On his return, he told me there was a car with a LEO license plate parked a few vehicles ahead of us.
I got out of the car and walked up right away. There it was, three cars directly in front of ours. We would not have seen it had CK not gone to the front of the ship. He’d followed a nudge when he saw the majestic snow-capped Mount Baker from afar and went to get a closer look.
We have seen countless LEO license plates over the years, but this was the first time we saw one on the ferry to Victoria. There were hundreds of cars on the huge, seven-level ferry. The odds for this LEO car to be parked so close to us were very slim. Our son made sure we wouldn’t miss the validation of his presence with us on the trip. This was the second one in less than 24 hours. He had already given us his signature sign, a LEO plate, the evening before to say “I am going with you to Victoria. We’ll have fun!”
It was within minutes of our seeing the 999 and 888 license plates on two cars nearby.
It is Leo’s style to give additional signs to affirm his messages. Right behind the LEO car on the ferry was a red car with 066 on its license plate.
In Mandarin, 066 sounds like “OH LEO LEO”! This red car led us for quite a while after we got off the ferry. Within 20 minutes, while we were driving to the University to visit Leo’s tree, a car with a 666-license plate appeared. I managed to snap a picture of it before it turned. 666 is pronounced as “LEO LEO LEO” in Mandarin. Over the next few days, we kept seeing 066 660 606 and 666 cars!
The next morning, it was so gorgeous outside, we decided to take a short walk before our meeting with the latest recipient of Leo’s scholarship. Instead of turning right towards the harbour front, we took a left turn and found a small trail we had not been on before. It looked different from our usual route, and we were making new discoveries. Very soon, CK reminded me we had to turn back as it was almost time for our meeting. He walked up to the grassy slope to join me and suddenly stopped in his tracks. We both saw a pop of colour amidst the dry brown grass. We couldn’t have missed the Smiley face looking directly at us while most of the small orange ball was hidden in the grass. I couldn’t resist picking it up. It had been there waiting for us.
CK loved to draw Smiley faces for Leo when he was growing up. After Leo’s transition, CK would get helium balloons for his birthday celebrations and one of them would always have the Smiley face.
However, we had not been able to get any for the last two years and I was still hoping to find one for the latest celebration. Surely, our beloved son was aware of this and so he sent us the cutest looking orange ball. “Thanks, Mom and Dad! This Smiley face is for keeps.”
Our son has the most beautiful smile! We were ecstatic. Leo’s signs and messages are always in perfect timing.
We had a meaningful meeting with the young lady who had received the scholarship. Like Leo, she plans to make positive changes in the world and to serve the greater good. It was no coincidence she had an 888 in her phone number when she gave it to me. It was the second 888 to appear that morning. Our friends Zia and Peter, who would be joining us at the ceremony on 8/10, had messaged me two hours prior with a picture of an 888-plate car they had seen on the Pat Bay Highway.
Not surprising but reassuring since 888 is one of Leo’s Calling Codes, along with 303 and 810.
Back in our hotel room, CK showed me the gold colour leaf he had found. It was in a perfect shape.
It had appeared in front of him after he picked up a birthday cake for Leo. I knew he was saying, “Dad, you are the best!” It was Leo’s favourite kind of cake.
We were thrilled to see the sun on the 8/10 morning. The cooler temperature was ideal for an outdoor event. We couldn’t have asked for more co-operative weather.
We are always in the Flow and connected with the Divine whenever we have sacred ceremony at Leo’s tree. We feel the high vibrations. The birds, the butterflies, and the bees came. The trees were swaying, and the leaves looked like they were dancing. We always welcome all our guests, visible and invisible.
We sent love to all our young people who have transitioned and to their families. We included everyone in our prayers for peace. By the end of the ceremony, we felt some gentle droplets and as we were packing to leave, bigger drops of rain descended upon us. We were aware that Leo and the Benevolent Beings were showering us with a Rain of Blessings! We were surrounded by Golden Light. Our hearts overflowed with love, joy, and gratitude!
The following day, we drove back to the restaurant by the water where we had lunch and Leo’s birthday cake with our friends. The moment CK opened his car door, he saw a coin on the ground. He knew he had to pick it up. As soon as we sat down, he looked at it closely and realized it is a 2012 dime. It was the year Leo returned to the Spirit world, or the year of his Re-birth. That was an irrefutable sign from our precious Leo.
“Thank you, Mom and Dad, for all you have been doing to honour me! We don’t die. We see you, hear you and continue to love you.”
It was time for us to go home on the 11th, and as always Leo affirmed that he was coming with us. When we arrived at the ferry terminal, we checked in at booth #1 and the ticket agent told us to line up in Lane 1. So, it was our 11.11 Angel number validation! The car in front of us had an LVD 999-license plate, Love Dad 999. Nine is CK’s special number, which also represents Infinity in Chinese numerology. 999 showed up a few times on our trip. No coincidence at all!
On Leo’s 8/10 birthday, our dear friend Peter Tongue shared his profound insights on the Lion’s Portal Gate as related to our Leo. Peter has expertise in many areas, including astrology. He is often invited to share his knowledge of current astrological alignments and how they affect the world through interviews, talks, and articles.
He has kindly written the following for me to share with you:
Leo Chan was born on August 10th,1992, and became a triple Leo. He was named Leo; he was born under the western astrology sign of Leo, in the year of the Monkey in Chinese astrology, which is equivalent to Leo in western astrology – hence, a triple Leo!
It only came into my realization this year that there was another very powerful aspect to Leo’s entry into this World which was through the Portal of the so-called Lion’s Gate. This is considered by many to be the most powerful annual event when a Stargate opens up to align Heaven with Earth. It opens on July 26th and reaches its peak on August 8th, closing on August 12th.
The three pyramids of Giza in Egypt were built very precisely to align with Orion’s belt in the night sky at this time each year. This provides the opportunity for us to connect on a galactic level to not only Orion, but Sirius and any of the star systems and planets that we feel a connection with. It is a Galactic Stargate!
Leo was born on August 10th at the most powerful time of the alignment between the two pillars of August 8th, the 8:8, and August 12th, the closing. He came in on a Pillar of Light right through the centre of these two powerful Gateways, Heaven coming to Earth in perfect expression. The Rainbow Bridge between the two, and no doubt he is still operating as this Pillar of Light, to assist us in raising the vibration of the Planet, as we go through the Shift of the Ages into the Age of Aquarius and a bright New Earth!
Happy birthday, our beloved Leo! You are forever young and beautiful. We are grateful for having you and our Infinite Bond!
You are more alive and vibrant than ever, our dearest Son. We send you all our love and blessings on your continuing missions of peace and compassion!” Mom and Dad

Well done Leo!! Love all of those signs. Keep them coming. You are a blessing to all of us, but especially your wonderful parents. Thank you for showing us the way!!! Happy Birthday Blessings Leo!!
Thanks for your thoughts and comments, Stephanie! We are grateful Leo shows us the way! Love to you and your family! The Lil Man! ???
Amazing work, Leo!
Thanks Donna! We are so grateful for Leo and his amazing work! Love to you, Dustin and your family! ???
I’m so glad to hear that your trip to Victoria was amazing and filled with signs from Leo ❤️ I find that orange leaf would be quite rare this time of the year! And so perfectly shaped and coloured; such a beautiful gift! It was very interesting reading the information from the Astrologer about Leo!
Thanks Katrina! You are right. That gold colour leaf appearing is unusual at this time of year. It’s one of the perfect gifts from Leo. Our friend is not a professional astrology but he certainly knows his stuff! Love to you and your family! ???
Oh I love these signs!!! Of course Leo would send many on his Leo birthday! And the astrology report talks of “triple Leo” – the 666 you mentioned! Your son is so amazing and so are you and CK for being so connected and open – the Chan Family is an incredible Team! Thanks for sharing the delight and the Love! ❤️??❤️???
Thank you, Sandy! We are so grateful and honoured to be a Team with Leo! Lots of love to you and yours! ???
Woww!! What a beautiful magic celebration for Leo’s Birthday! Amazing signs and messages! Thank you for sharing with us in this blog dear Mabel! Happy Birthday beautiful, amazing Leo! Thank you for keeping bringing light and love to us from your higher vibrations!
Thank you, Paola! It has really been magical with the love from Leo! Love to you and yours! Nicholas! ???
It is so beautiful and touching. I cannot help having tears in my eyes when I read about the Love Leo and you expressed in the signs and in your writing. Love and hugs to you! Ling, Tao’s mom
I understand, Ling! Leo continues to show us “Love never dies and Life never ends!” Your Tao will always be at your side. Sending you both much love and light! ???Leave a comment on the HPH post so I can message you, if you like.
Such beautiful signs from your beautiful Leo.
Thanks Cheryl! Beautiful Leo and his most astounding signs of continuing existence and love! Sending you and your beloved child much love and light! ??
Thank you Mabel for sharing the many signs from Leo. I do appreciate Peter Tongue’s words regarding Leo and the Lion’s Gate. I love the tags. I actually took a picture of a 999P myself the other day. Knowing it was a message for me. I love that the 066 and 666 had the mandarin pronunciations of Leo. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you doing sacred ceremony for all the children. Maybe I can come next year. ?
We are grateful for the abundance of signs and Love from Leo! It’s my pleasure to share them, Perry! Great that you got the 999P. It would be wonderful to have you at sacred ceremony next year. It is always divine and powerful. Love to you and Doug on his Re-birthday! ???
Always makes me so sad to think Leo is not with his wonderful parents. I get so emotional and know that both CK and Mabel are such special parents. They are so brave to continue on. I don’t think I could do it. Leo was such a beautiful boy. My heart would be in pieces if I lost either of my children.
So inspiring that Leo provides messages for them. A great way to honour them.
Thanks, Kathie, for posting your thoughts here! It’s amazing how Leo has connected us. And you share an 8/10 birthday with him! Reading your words made me misty-eyed because they tell the truth. CK and I carry on to honour Leo. He is still saving lives!
Love and hugs to you ?❤️?
Fantastic blog! I love all of the affirmations. Great job Leo! And great job mom for noticing!
Thank you, Deb! ???
Nothing happens by accident. Leo affirms his presence by the LEO plate number in the ferry, the orange leaf and the coin among other things.
As a kid, Leo exhibited understanding and wisdom beyond his age. This is better explained by Peter’s Leo’s Lion Gate article.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your comments, Cora! Blessings ???
Reading all the posts and blogs ,I have become so fond of him …through you we all know so much about he was when he was physically present and now of his strong spiritual presence ..always ..
All the connections , the angel numbers … It’s so amazing ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, Priyanka! So many have said what you did. I wish all of you could have met our precious son. He is affirming in magical ways how alive and vibrant he IS ! He is the most Compassionate Being I have ever met. Sending you and your family love and light! ???
Leo never fails to amaze me in giving you and CK clear signs about his presence! I am greatly impressed by how lush, beautiful and fast growing his tree looks. It symbolizes fountain of life and youthfulness. How fitting is the term forever young is? By the way, both of you and CK are looking younger and healthier these days too. “ Forever Young “ it is! I am sure Leo has something to do with it.
Thanks for your response and comments! We are grateful for the blessings Leo continues to bestow upon us. We feel his loving presence at all times. You are accurate with your description of his magnificent tree. Blessings to you, dear friend!???