When we felt the nudge to go and visit Leo’s Fragrant Fountain on Vancouver Island, I “randomly” picked a few days and made the travel arrangements quickly, only to realize afterwards that there is nothing random at all. We had chosen April 5th, the day after our arrival, to have our sacred ceremony before we became aware that it was an auspicious day of the Full Moon. I was even more astonished when the Lunar calendar showed it was “Ching Ming,” the Spring event when those of Chinese heritage around the world pay respects to their deceased loved ones at their gravesites. That was the first of many stunning signs and synchronicities (SnS) on our trip. We knew it was All in Alignment.
We travelled most of the day on 4/4. As usual, Leo validated his Presence with signs. As we were approaching the Ferry terminal, CK saw the “123” license plate on the car at his side. I snapped a picture before it turned left.
This was an indisputable sign from Leo. It is part of a passcode he gave us when he was a young child. This significant SnS reappeared later when we were driving to Leo’s Tree on the Island.
It showed up the third time the next day when I was standing in the hotel lobby looking through the huge glass door.
It was meant to be seen every single time. Leo loves to send his signs in quick succession so there is no doubt. He wants us to get the message loud and clear: “I am always with you, Mom and Dad!”
It was sunny and beautiful on our trip. That was unusual when it had been raining for several days in a row. CK spotted the two deer who came and met us as soon as we arrived at the parking stall near the garden.
It is an Other-Worldly reality inside this gem of a garden. We always feel energized and welcomed by all the resident Beings with their beauty, scents, and refreshing energy. It has been unseasonably cold this Spring and it was a feast for the eyes to see the blooming flowers with their splendid colours.
It was exhilarating to see the new growth surrounding us. All the fresh flowers and greenery exude Liveliness and Hope!
Leo’s unique tree stands out among them. It has put on a Spring attire of new leaves, which are golden green, illuminated by the glorious sun. It is vibrant, strong, and healthy. We knew our son was right there with us when the golden light beamed upon us. CK pointed upwards and I saw the tiny hummingbird on the treetop across from us.
It would be invisible to others but not to CK who’s well attuned to its sound. Another of Leo’s lovely messengers!
On the morning of April 5th, we revisited the hotel with the most beautiful koi fish swimming in the pool.
We stayed there a few years ago and knew it was no coincidence when we saw “810” on the glass door the morning after we arrived. Our precious son had led us there to celebrate his birthday on August 10. Like 303 and 888, the magical 810 is one of Leo’s Calling Codes.
We drove to the garden for the sacred ceremony, and as CK was parking, I saw black clouds rolling in. I told Leo that we needed cooperative weather. At Leo’s Tree, the sun was shining, and I was all smiles. Our friends arrived promptly to join us, and I saw that it was 11.11 as we started our prayers. We know that Leo always brings his friends with him on these special occasions. I welcomed all the Helping Parents Heal (HPH) sons and daughters in Spirit and we felt their joyful energy with our son.
Our friend Zia led a meditation, playing the crystal singing bowl. I saw and felt the brightest light even though my eyes were firmly closed. It was brilliant and yet gentle. I knew Leo was making his Presence known. He and his friends sent waves of gratitude and love. The Grace-filled moments were unspeakable. It was Divine!
The birds around us couldn’t stop singing. They were excited and happy to be at this gathering of Lights. Suddenly, we were all looking up at a tree and saw two leaf pods hitting one another like hands that were clapping. This lasted for a while. It was mesmerizing and we were all smiling and giggling. We knew all those around, invisible to human eyes, were acknowledging us!
Before we left Leo’s Tree, our friend Peter mentioned a recent distant healing experience he and Zia were doing for a six-year-old boy with health challenges. Without giving the details, he said they had received divine help. Zia, who has come to know Leo well, felt his powerful Presence. She was certain that he was there to support the little boy.
I have never discussed this with my friend, but her insights align impeccably with what had been revealed to me over the years. Leo in Spirit is a Guide and Mentor for many, especially children and young people. His Love has no bounds, and he reaches out to those in need like he did when he was in the physical. With Compassion and Wisdom, he cares and helps without depriving them of the lessons meant for them to learn through challenges in life.
During those two days, the Angel numbers 111, 222, and 333 were seen more than once. I realized how synchronistic they were with the number 123 from Leo!
Later that day at the hotel, I was at the front desk asking for some information. I found myself talking to a good-looking young man and couldn’t help showing him Leo’s picture. I shared what had happened to our son in Victoria when he returned to the Light suddenly and unexpectedly because of the fatal meningococcal disease. He realized that Leo is making a huge impact on the lives of young people. As a result of our advocacy, all the grade nine students in British Columbia, Canada are now provided with the vaccine that will protect them from suffering and dying from meningitis.
Soon after the conversation, I found that the log-in picture and the background picture on my phone had automatically changed. Leo’s black-and-white photo had become this happy image with him holding the glass in one hand and giving a “thumbs up” with the other.
Our family picture had also been switched. Both of the “new” pictures were taken when we were on our family trips with our son. I have over 30,000 pictures in my photo library and couldn’t have found those ones easily even if I had wanted to. Of course, our “Minister of Technology,” as he had named himself, could easily manage the changes. Certainly, he was showing how much he appreciated our happy times together.
Leo has always loved our “Family Trips” as he likes to call them, in the past, present, and future! He continues to demonstrate that we are still Family, whether he is in the physical or not.
Just as the light bulb went off in my head, I saw the third 123-plated car pulling into the valet parking area. It reminded me of the 888-plated white car we had just walked by. Angel number 888 is one of Leo’s Calling Codes and the triple Infinity sign as well. I am never tired of hearing our son saying, “We have a Bond that will never be broken.”
I am eternally grateful for Leo’s inspiration and guidance in manifesting my first book “The Infinite Bond: My Son’s Messages from Across the Veil.” It is a gift for me and countless others who have read it and will be reading it.
Before we turned in for the night, Peter’s email came with a picture of a “LEO 17X” license plate. He was returning home after our ceremony and lunch together when this sign appeared in front of him. What a perfect conclusion to a Magical Day!
Just as I am getting ready to post this article, I am once again in awe and wonder. I am made aware that not only is 5/5 the Full Moon, but it is the Wesak Full Moon. This is the most powerful Full Moon of the year. For Buddhists, Wesak or Vesak is about celebrating the birth, death, and enlightenment of Lord Buddha. What an auspicious day and divine timing for the messages to be revealed!
I am inspired to dedicate this to all parents, especially mothers who have children in the Spirit world. As if one is not enough, we have to experience Mothers Day twice in May. The one on the first Sunday is even horribly named “International Bereaved Mothers Day.” We are Shining Lights who are missing our children in their physical form. They are shining through us.
Our sons and daughters are shouting out “WE DON’T DIE, and WE ARE WITH YOU!”
May all mothers and fathers and grandparents reading these words receive the blessings from this auspicious day!

I could not read your most recent entry, Mabel, without smiling and feeling suffused with joyful light. You and CK are Leo’s voice here on this side of the veil, and the connection that the three of you share never ceases to amaze and…well, inspire me. When I pause to ponder all of those here who grieve loved ones we believe we have lost who are healed by Leo’s sacred work, I am moved deeply and deeply grateful.
Thank you for the beauty you’ve shared in “All in Alignment,” both with your photos and your message. I am so grateful to, and for, you three magnificent souls,
Thank you, Earline, for your beautiful words and insights! It is truly sacred work when the goal is to heal others and alleviate their sufferings. CK and I are forever grateful for our ongoing relationship with our beloved Leo. Keep smiling and be surrounded by love and joy! ??
Thank you for sharing this, it was truely a joy to read! I was moved by your emotion and insight and think that the humming bird was such a special gift especially this time of year! The clapping you describe sends such beautiful images ? You, CK and Leo have helped so many children, it’s heartwarming to hear how Leo continues his help ?
Thank you, Katrina for sharing your comments! We are still in awe and wonder of the return of our Birdie. It’s a gift to have him back for a visit on 5/5. You would remember from my book the chapter about the magical hummingbird, Leo’s messenger, without a doubt! Blessings to you and your family! ??
Oh my, Mabel… Leo outdid himself with these experiences you share! I feel like I am right there with you all! The Joy and Awe are ever present! I love the pic of the little hummingbird perched on that tree. Thank you for sharing the magical connections that show the veil is but an illusion. Leo shows us all how to move right through it! He’s amazing and so are you and CK!
Blessings to you… ❤️??❤️??
Thanks, Sandy, for your inspiring words! Nothing is impossible for Leo especially when it comes to giving us Joy. His Love for us is so powerful that it can move mountains. We are proud of him and will continue to honour him. Sending you lots of love and blessings! ???
Thank you Mabel for writing this beautiful article and sharing all these amazing magic during your visitation to Leo’s tree! I love all the amazing SnS. and the end of your trip with the beautiful Leo’s picture, appearing on your phone with the drink and the ok sign! He is telling you, and to all of us that All is in Alignment! We truly are Shining Light Parents! Love you and Leo!
Thanks, dear Paola for sharing your comments! It’s magical when I think of how we are connected across the ocean and mountains by our amazing sons. Sending love to your beloved Nick, you and Conrado! ???
Thank you Mabel, CK, and Leo!!! What an awesome weekend and so many SnS! Love the little hummingbird. The whole post gave me chills, and I still have them!
Thanks, Stephanie for sharing your comments! Those are good chills. Sending your Lil Man, you and his dad love and light! ???
Leo continues to amaze me. You and CK’s light shines! Thank you for sharing these messages.
Thank you, Donna, for your kind words! Sending your Dustin, you and your family love and light! ???
Thank you for spreading light, love, and Leo’s messages.
Thank you, Cheryl, for your kind response! We send you and your family, and beautiful Meghan love and light! ???
I want to live there with you!!! All the beauty! Can’t wait to see it ???
I’m receiving many codes now as well. I know I am being supported by the angels and my guides, with Leo, Doug and other HPH angels as being guides for me as well. I thank you so much for your loving us so much to include us in your celebrations and ceremonies with Leo?. I love you Mabel.
It’s a joy to share with you all, Perry! The beauty and the blessings from the Divine! We are happy for you and look forward to having you here. Love and Light to you and our amazing children, Doug and Leo! ???
Not only am I moved with Leo’s love and ability to remain connected in such a magical way, but I am impressed with your attention to detail and awareness of his messages. Leo’s mission to spread light and love here to us from the heavenly realms and to those he is with in spirit is powerful, healing and joyful. Thank you for capturing the many synchronistic miracles which bring a smile to us all through your stories, pictures and positive energy. What a team you, CK and Leo are!!!!
Angel blessings. ?
Dear B, I appreciate your response and insightful comments! Leo will never stop giving us signs and messages to share with you all. And we are honoured to be his Messengers of Love, Hope and Joy. We are grateful he has connected us with you, dear friend! You are honouring the Angels spreading their love and light!
Blessings! ???
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw your title. Over the past several days, I have been hearing and reading the world alignment. Indeed, everything was aligned for this trip from the beautiful weather, the number signs, the hummingbird, the deer and the beautiful smiling picture of Leo enjoying his drink while making a thumbs up.
Thanks Mable, CK and Leo.
It was divinely orchestrated right from the start!
Thanks for your response and comments, Cora! Blessings! ????????????