“Mom, do you know our mother and son Bond will never be broken?”
I wasn’t aware of how profound these words were when I heard them from Leo as a young child. I am most grateful and joyful of how he has been demonstrating this truth in our daily life ever since he returned to the Light.
All the signs and synchronicities my husband, CK, and I are receiving from Leo are gifts, and nothing short of miracles. He is everywhere with us, and especially when we need his reassuring Presence. Our physical life comes to an end when we die but the relationship continues. We have an ongoing and loving relationship with Leo!
It wasn’t long ago when my eyes needed a procedure to prevent blindness. I was told by the ophthalmologist that it would be simple and painless. It was still anxiety-provoking. I knew it had to be done and quickly booked the date for the procedure. Just as we walked out of the building after making the appointment, CK said, “Look!” We couldn’t have missed it – facing us was a black Toyota with a LEO license plate. “Mom, all’s well and all will be well.”
It was most comforting and couldn’t have come at a better time. We wouldn’t have seen it if we were driving but we had decided to walk, so it was meant to be seen!
Recently, it happened again. The eye specialist recommended surgery for my two eyes for another issue. Again, I knew this was something that could not be avoided. The payment was made and the date for the surgery was given. CK suggested that we take a slightly different route than usual, and I agreed. Within a few minutes, we saw a red Toyota with a LEO 66 license plate!
Two cars in front of us was the 606-plated car, “LEO OH LEO,” which has become a Calling Code and validation from our son. “It’s me, Mom and Dad. No worries – I am here for you!”
The professional building where our ophthalmologist has a satellite office is within walking distance from home, but we did not know it when we were first referred there. It has been most convenient for us. Even more magical is the address number: 3030. I have written extensively about 303 being a text code for MOM and how Leo affirms his Presence whenever we see this number, whether it’s in Canada, Alaska, or even Hong Kong. The number 0 amplifies the energy of 303.
I was one of those Caring Listeners being interviewed by HPH (Healing Parents Heal) recently. I told the interviewer I was feeling Leo’s Presence while I shared about him. After the interview, we went out for dinner and saw a 666-plated car -“LEO LEO LEO” – in the restaurant parking lot. We knew Leo was right there with us. I was in a hurry to get inside, so I didn’t take a picture. Our son followed up with another undeniable sign. As we were driving home, I noticed a car driving beside us, and even in the dark, it was clearly a 303. “MOM, thank you again!” Our son was appreciative of how I presented him so authentically, living his young life with Compassion and Wisdom.
A few days after the interview, I was in the hospital for my eye surgery. When it was over, my heart was filled with gratitude for all that I have. My loving husband is taking great care of me, and I knew Leo was with me in the surgery room, wrapping me in his love and light. It all went well with the procedure executed by an experienced surgeon, and the nurses tending to me were kind and friendly. I was feeling exhausted and leaned on CK as we walked out of the hospital. Once again, I heard CK say “Look!” and he pointed right in front of us. The stunning 666 “LEO LEO LEO” license plate! I was charged with high vibrational energy and the fatigue was replaced by joy and laughter!
Leo is a most loving son, and he wants us to know he is taking care of us from a much higher realm. Whether it’s for my eyes or any other issue, he affirms he’s with us. A couple of years ago, I went for a check-up for my heart after a fall. The cardiologist at the hospital was most friendly and even said he believed me when I shared that Leo was with me. It was only a few minutes’ walk to our car, and we were thrilled as usual to see the LEO 22 license plate car waiting for us!
Leo adores his Dad. He showered us with stunning signs and synchronicities showing us he had our backs when CK needed a medical intervention. The “Lucky Loonie,” a Canadian coin, appeared under our chairs the day CK went for an investigative procedure at the hospital. The year on it is 2016, when miraculously, the vaccine we had advocated for to save the lives of young people was adopted by the British Columbia government. The following day, we found a coin at the foot of our bed for the first time. The year on it was 2012, when Leo had transitioned. When CK was able to walk to Leo’s tree, a LEO 13-plated car was seen in the park. We can always count on Leo.
A few days ago, due to the traffic, CK decided to take a different turn driving home after lunch at one of Leo’s favourite restaurants. Our son is always included in our family outings, and without fail, he always acknowledges us. We were delighted to see the silver-blue car with the LEO 02 plate before arriving home.
License plates with numbers and Leo’s name are bold and visible. They are but one of the infinite ways Leo gives us SnS. As soon as I was able to walk out to his Tree after the most recent eye surgery, we were met with the gorgeous rainbow in the fountain on the lake. The sky was blue, and Spring was in the air. We know Leo is Joy-full and loves that we always recognize his Presence. We see him in everything that is beautiful!
We have seen hundreds of LEO license plates locally and from all over the world when friends send pictures of them to us. He has gifted us with LEO signs in other ways as well.
It was a pleasant surprise when my kind friend invited me to speak about Miracles as we have both had our share. I was surprised because this gifted lady is so busy giving people Angel readings. I call her an “Angel Whisperer,” as she works with Angels to help those in need of Messages from beyond our earthly dimension. Early that morning, she notified me that our online meeting had to be moved ahead of time due to her engagements. Just before our meeting, she sent me this interesting sign with LEO that she saw on a car when she was returning to hers.
She was so excited and laughing when we saw each other online. We were going to talk about Miracles, and one had just happened. The timing was Divine. What happened was validated by the Angel number 11.11 on Leo’s picture!
As long as we love each other, our relationship does not end. Son, we are most grateful to have you in our lives and joyful that we continue to create magical memories together.
Thank you, our dearest LEO!

Mabel, How beautiful is Leo’s ability to show you and CK he is right by your sides,, and how amazing is it that you are aware of all the signs!!!! Thank you for sharing this magic with us. Your awareness, gratitude and love sparks this eternal parent/son connection. May your eyes heal fully, so you can continue to see these many blessings, and may both of your hearts be open to always feeling and recognizing Leo’s love for you. This soul bond is precious and most certainly inspirational.
Many thanks, dear B for your comments and your kindness! Our love with our Leo keeps us close to one another no matter where we are. Yes, our Soul Bond is precious! ????❤️????
“Our physical life comes to an end when we die but the relationship continues. We have an ongoing and loving relationship with Leo!”
Dear Mabel, as often as I read your writings about the signs and synchronicities that occur to assure you of Leo’s presence, I continue to be astonished, delighted, and comforted to know that he and other loved ones continue to surround us. You, CK, and Leo are such a beautiful team! You and CK have the eyes to see and the hearts to perceive the miracles that Leo gives you, and your sharing them with us spreads and magnifies his Light.
I’m so glad that your surgery went well. Thank you so much for sharing your lives and message of love with all of us.
Dear Earline, thank you for your feedback and kind comments! I can feel that you appreciate the signs and messages from Leo with your big heart and open mind. Love and hugs to you! ❤️
It is always wonderful reading how Leo is able to reach out so clearly ???? He has such an amazing bond with you and CK! The picture of the water fountain is breathtaking, I love how it appears that the birds are playing in the water, but the rainbow makes it look as if they’re crossing realms ????
Thanks, dear Katrina for your feedback and comments! I love how the Canada Geese flying by and the ducks swimming on the lake were included in the pictures. Love to you and your beautiful family! ❤️
Oh Mabel… I never tire of hearing about Leo’s amazing SnS!! of course, your beloved son would be there for you be it a medical situation or when you and CK are out having fun! Leo and you weave this beautiful web globally! You all make a powerful Team that uplifts us all. Thank you! And continued healing with your eyes.
Thanks Sandy! Our Love for and with Leo always keeps us close together. I am most grateful to share all the consistent messages of love and hope from Leo. It’s a gift when I get feedback and encouraging comments from you. Love and hugs ❤️
Dear Mabel, thank you for sharing all these beautiful signs! Leo finds always the way to show his presence and helping you and CK! I’m so glad that he assisted you during your eye’s surgery and brough you high vibrations of joy with his presence! Keep healing! Sending lots of love to you, CK and beautiful, amazing Leo!
Thanks dear Paola! I couldn’t wait to share the SnS from Leo as they are so uplifting for me and CK, and we know Leo wanted us to spread the messages of love and hope as well. Our boys are amazing! Love to you, Conrado and bud Nick ! ❤️
Hi Mabel,
It is so reassuring how Leo lets you know he is with you for the hard things in your life as well as the fun times. He doesn’t want you to worry and lets you know he is there looking out for you. Beautiful relationship you and CK have with Leo. and I love that he encourages you to share and uplift other parents.
Thanks Mary! It is so very true that Leo never wants us to worry about anything. He makes sure we know he is taking care of us and wants us to have JOY. Sending you and David best wishes and the strongest connection with your Kathryn! ❤️
I really love the pictures of the water fountain at the park. The colors are beautiful. Leo is always able to come through with signs that he is there for you. It’s neat that the eye doctor office is 3030. Your connection with Leo is extraordinary. Thank you for posting despite the discomfort with your eyes. ????????
Thanks dear Perry! It is always a Joy to see the fountain and the rainbow that appears in perfect timing. I am grateful for the Extraordinary Connection we have with our amazing son Leo! Love to you and your beloved Doug! ❤️
Dear CK and Mabel,
I was deeply moved by your post about the signs from Leo. It’s truly touching to hear how he continues to communicate with you, offering comfort and reassurance during difficult times. It’s as if he’s sending little whispers from beyond, letting you know he’s still with you in spirit.
The signs you mentioned are undoubtedly his way of saying “I’m here,” a gentle reminder that love transcends the boundaries of life and death. It’s moments like these that affirm the enduring bond between parent and child, a connection that can never be broken.
Our meeting in Hong Kong comes to mind, reminding us that nothing is by chance. It’s as if the universe conspired to bring us together, perhaps as a testament to the interconnectedness of our lives and the serendipitous nature of our encounters.
As you navigate through this journey, may these signs continue to bring you solace and strength. Your son’s presence, though unseen, remains palpable in the beauty of the world around you. He lives on in your hearts, in cherished memories, and in the signs that speak volumes of his eternal love.
Wishing you both peace and comfort.
Beautifully expressed! We love every word and feel the kindness in your comments, dear Yasmine! The evidence Leo has given us in the past 12 years speak volumes about our Unbroken Bond. Our Love with him transcends time and space, and we are never really separated from each other. We are blessed to have this Being of Compassion and Wisdom as our son. We are honoured to be his Messengers of Love and Hope! We look forward to seeing you and your beautiful family in your exotic country in the near future! Love and hugs! ❤️