All is Well

It’s been a while since I first started experiencing physical symptoms that might be alarming for some people. I was not too concerned at first. It was not until I felt discomfort practicing yoga that I decided to see our family physician. I thought it was a joke when I was told that I had to wait three months for a checkup. I simply told his secretary I didn’t need to see him if that was the case.

After I made my point, she gave me an appointment of two and a half weeks away. The assigned date was November 1st at 11am, on a Monday.

My meeting with the doctor went smoothly and he sent me for a battery of lab tests for further investigation. As my husband CK and I were driving away, I became aware of the synchronicity of all the number 1s for this meeting. There had been six of them so far. I talked to Leo and thanked him for his help. Soon afterwards, we arrived at the parking lot of one of our favourite shopping places with our son. Almost immediately after we got out of our car, the 303-license plate appeared

and next to it, the 888 plate.

Those are Leo’s Calling Codes, validating his presence with us.

“Mom, I am always with you and Dad.”

After we picked up all the necessities, we decided to go home for lunch. I checked the time as we started our return trip, and it was 12:30. It was so sweet, Leo always remembers my birthday!

After putting away our purchases, I saw that my phone was nearby, and I needed to return it to my room. It lit up when I picked it up. It was 1:11. That made nine 1s altogether.

It is always comforting receiving signs from Leo. I had barely finished snapping a picture of the 2:22

when the picture of myself and the little kids appeared on my phone.

It showed Monday 1 and 11degrees. I couldn’t have made this up. A grand total of eleven 1s for the day. I hear you. Thank you, Son!

Leo’s message is loud and clear. “WE ARE ONE. There is no separation.” As difficult as it is for humans to believe, physical death is an illusion. We carry on with our infinite Consciousness without the physical body. While we are still here, our Love with our children/loved ones is the bridge that connects us.

The pictures of the little ones, that I didn’t even know I had, is so precious, especially for their parents. They are children of those with whom I have been honoured to work with. I helped them navigate the systems when they were new to Canada. Most of my clients have kept in touch with me after my retirement, so I know how different their kids look now. It was heartwarming to hear from them and feel appreciated after all these years.

In the midst of messaging with them in the evening, 8:10, another one of Leo’s Calling Codes popped up!

All three of them, 303, 888, and 810, which I wrote about in my book The Infinite Bond appeared today!  Leo was saying, “Great job, Mom!” He was the one who had encouraged me to return to work after his unexpected and sudden transition. He knows how important it is to advocate for those without a voice. He still loves children and young people and knows that they can grow and thrive with the necessary support. In the process, I learned how to educate the educators and administrators to open their minds and hearts to those they might otherwise have ignored. I couldn’t have accomplished it without the steadfast support and guidance of Leo and his Dad.

I have over 15,000 photos in my picture library. How the appropriate pictures always show up in perfect timing never ceases to amaze me. I am grateful for this Divine timing!

These two pictures of Leo with his thumb up are good illustrations of my point.  He was having the time of his life, meeting new friends, enjoying his studies, and playing his favourite music, during his first year of university.


Again, there is no coincidence these precious pictures came to me on the same day. Multiple messages have been validated by the timely signs and synchronicities from our precious only child.

Leo has always been loving and respectful. He knows when we need reassurance. Over time, he has repeatedly shown me and his Dad that he is fully aware of what we are faced with.

“No worries! Mom and Dad, I can take care of you.” I remember vividly the signs he gave us during stressful times when I was with CK in the hospital and with his grandmother in the ER. He made himself known in no uncertain way and my stress level was drastically reduced.

“All is Well and All will be Well” is a most soothing message I have heard often from Leo. This year, Leo knew well ahead of time that we wouldn’t be travelling to his sacred tree in Victoria for 11/11, Remembrance Day. He is reassuring us that it’s all fine and we will be together at his tree near home instead.

Recently, we were thrilled to see our aged Christmas Cactus re-blooming once more.

CK and I acknowledged this magical gift from Leo that has appeared just in time for Remembrance Day. As we were admiring the flowers and taking pictures, CK told me it was 11:11 am.

Our dearest Leo, we are most grateful for our Infinite Bond and your unwavering love for us. Leo, what an honour it is to be your parents. Thank you for watching over us!  We are proud of you and we love you, our Compassionate Son.


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  1. Carol Kehl
    November 7, 2021

    You have a gift that you’ve been able to pick up on all the significant signs from your son!! I wish I could pick up more than just hearing his Xbox go off once in a while! Something tells me that Morse code type sound has more to it than just sound!!I It sounds like Michael is talking to me!! Having him do it at specific times tells me it’s 100% him! He showed up on my birthday week just one day before my birthday! For this thing only to go off once in a while makes me believe Michael is near!!
    My husband and I just finished watching the documentary on Tesla thru Amazon Prime Tv!! He was unbelievably intelligent and had the genius knowledge on energy like none other! Unfortunately JP Morgan stole much of his inventions and didn’t get credit for much of what he invented!! It’s sad that he wasn’t recognized for his knowledge till near the end of his life! He sounded like he had a bit of autism because he didn’t like touch, hair etc!

    • Mabel
      November 8, 2021

      Thanks Carol! I am glad you are hearing from your son.

      Tesla was way ahead of his times and a genius!

    • Mabel
      November 8, 2021

      Thanks Carol. Great that you continue to hear from your son.

      Tesla was way ahead of his times and definitely a genius.

  2. paola leslie
    November 7, 2021

    Beautiful words Mabel! I love the pictures of Leo with his thumb up. I love how Leo found the way to reassure you that all will be ok! Sending you love and light!

    • Mabel
      November 8, 2021

      Thanks Paola! I love having your responses. Love to you and Nick!

  3. Donna
    November 7, 2021

    So amazing, Mabel. Leo is so impressive. I hope all is well with your health.

    • Mabel
      November 8, 2021

      Thanks Donna! Leo is taking good care of me and his Dad.

  4. Cora Pena
    November 8, 2021

    Yesterday, we made a spur of the moment decision to join James and company in Victoria. Benjie, myself,Jenny and baby Tim will join them. We are leaving tomorrow morning and returning on Thursday, November 11. This means that we can visit the tree on the 11th before we return home. Everything has been arranged. Thanks Leo.

    • Mabel
      November 9, 2021

      We are glad you will be at Leo’s sacred tree on 11.11. All Divine orchestration, Cora!

  5. Cora Pena
    November 8, 2021

    Praying that the weather will be fine tomorrow.

    • Mabel
      November 9, 2021

      Cora, All IS WELL,!

    • Mabel
      November 9, 2021

      We are glad you will be at Leo’s sacred tree on 11.11. All Divine orchestration, Cora!

  6. Katrina
    November 9, 2021

    Beautifuly written Mabel, a great reminder to keep our hearts open to messages. I love the thumbs up Leo is giving!

    • Mabel
      November 9, 2021

      Thanks Katrina! I know you do receive with your beautiful heart.

  7. Yin Chi Yip
    November 9, 2021

    Mabel, you have an unique ability to connect with Leo on the other side and the spiritual world. Your writing is also remarkable, touching and enjoyable to read!

    • Mabel
      November 9, 2021

      Thanks Yin Chi, for your kind words! We all have the innate ability to connect with the Spirit world, whether you believe it or not.

  8. Chris
    November 30, 2021

    I am always amazed inspired and reassured when I read about how this wonderful young man continues to communicate through the years. Thank you Mabel for your beautifully written descriptions of the patterns Leo sends.

    • Mabel
      April 12, 2022

      Thanks Chris! I was nudged to read the comments and found yours after all this time. I am sure Leo has guided me.

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